



在下面的部分中,我们将从应用程序开发人员的角度来研究链代码。我们将展示一个简单的链码示例应用程序,并介绍链码 Shim API 中每种方法的用途。

本教程概述了Fabric Chaincode Shim API提供的底层API。您还可以使用Fabric Contract API提供的高级API,请查看智能合约处理

该应用程序是一个基本的链码示例(使用 Go 语言),用于在账本上创建资产(键-值对)。

mkdir sacc && cd sacc
go mod init sacc
touch sacc.go


package main

import (


// SimpleAsset implements a simple chaincode to manage an asset
type SimpleAsset struct {
// Init is called during chaincode instantiation to initialize any
// data. Note that chaincode upgrade also calls this function to reset
// or to migrate data, so be careful to avoid a scenario where you
// inadvertently clobber your ledger's data!
func (t *SimpleAsset) Init(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface) peer.Response {
  // Get the args from the transaction proposal
  args := stub.GetStringArgs()
  if len(args) != 2 {
    return shim.Error("Incorrect arguments. Expecting a key and a value")

  // Set up any variables or assets here by calling stub.PutState()

  // We store the key and the value on the ledger
  err := stub.PutState(args[0], []byte(args[1]))
  if err != nil {
    return shim.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create asset: %s", args[0]))
  return shim.Success(nil)

Invoke 函数的参数将是要调用的 chaincode 应用程序函数的名称。 此应用程序将仅具有两个功能:setget,用于设置资产的值或检索其当前状态。 首先调用ChaincodeStubInterface.GetFunctionAndParameters 来提取函数名称和该链码函数的参数。

然后验证函数名称是 set 还是 get ,然后调用那些链码函数,并通过 shim.Successshim.Error 函数返回适当的响应,这些响应会将响应序列化为 gRPC protobuf 消息。

// Invoke is called per transaction on the chaincode. Each transaction is
// either a 'get' or a 'set' on the asset created by Init function. The Set
// method may create a new asset by specifying a new key-value pair.
func (t *SimpleAsset) Invoke(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface) peer.Response {
    // Extract the function and args from the transaction proposal
    fn, args := stub.GetFunctionAndParameters()

    var result string
    var err error
    if fn == "set" {
            result, err = set(stub, args)
    } else {
            result, err = get(stub, args)
    if err != nil {
            return shim.Error(err.Error())

    // Return the result as success payload
    return shim.Success([]byte(result))

为访问账本状态,将利用 ChaincodeStubInterface.PutStateChaincodeStubInterface.GetState 函数。

// it will override the value with the new one
func set(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) (string, error) {
    if len(args) != 2 {
            return "", fmt.Errorf("Incorrect arguments. Expecting a key and a value")

    err := stub.PutState(args[0], []byte(args[1]))
    if err != nil {
            return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to set asset: %s", args[0])
    return args[1], nil

// Get returns the value of the specified asset key
func get(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) (string, error) {
    if len(args) != 1 {
            return "", fmt.Errorf("Incorrect arguments. Expecting a key")

    value, err := stub.GetState(args[0])
    if err != nil {
            return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to get asset: %s with error: %s", args[0], err)
    if value == nil {
            return "", fmt.Errorf("Asset not found: %s", args[0])
    return string(value), nil

更多API,请参阅package shim for go v2.2


// State 操作
GetState(key string) ([]byte, error)
PutState(key string, value []byte) error
DelState(key string) error
RangeQueryState(startKey, endKey string) (StateRangeQueryIteratorInterface, error)
// Chaincode相互调⽤
InvokeChaincode(chaincodeName string, args [][]byte) ([]byte, error)QueryChaincode(chaincodeName string, args [][]byte) ([]byte, error)

最后,我们需要添加 main 函数,它将调用 shim 。函数开始。这里是整个链码程序的源代码。

package main

import (


// SimpleAsset implements a simple chaincode to manage an asset
type SimpleAsset struct {

// Init is called during chaincode instantiation to initialize any
// data. Note that chaincode upgrade also calls this function to reset
// or to migrate data.
func (t *SimpleAsset) Init(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface) peer.Response {
    // Get the args from the transaction proposal
    args := stub.GetStringArgs()
    if len(args) != 2 {
            return shim.Error("Incorrect arguments. Expecting a key and a value")

    // Set up any variables or assets here by calling stub.PutState()

    // We store the key and the value on the ledger
    err := stub.PutState(args[0], []byte(args[1]))
    if err != nil {
            return shim.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create asset: %s", args[0]))
    return shim.Success(nil)

// Invoke is called per transaction on the chaincode. Each transaction is
// either a 'get' or a 'set' on the asset created by Init function. The Set
// method may create a new asset by specifying a new key-value pair.
func (t *SimpleAsset) Invoke(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface) peer.Response {
    // Extract the function and args from the transaction proposal
    fn, args := stub.GetFunctionAndParameters()

    var result string
    var err error
    if fn == "set" {
            result, err = set(stub, args)
    } else { // assume 'get' even if fn is nil
            result, err = get(stub, args)
    if err != nil {
            return shim.Error(err.Error())

    // Return the result as success payload
    return shim.Success([]byte(result))

// Set stores the asset (both key and value) on the ledger. If the key exists,
// it will override the value with the new one
func set(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) (string, error) {
    if len(args) != 2 {
            return "", fmt.Errorf("Incorrect arguments. Expecting a key and a value")

    err := stub.PutState(args[0], []byte(args[1]))
    if err != nil {
            return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to set asset: %s", args[0])
    return args[1], nil

// Get returns the value of the specified asset key
func get(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) (string, error) {
    if len(args) != 1 {
            return "", fmt.Errorf("Incorrect arguments. Expecting a key")

    value, err := stub.GetState(args[0])
    if err != nil {
            return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to get asset: %s with error: %s", args[0], err)
    if value == nil {
            return "", fmt.Errorf("Asset not found: %s", args[0])
    return string(value), nil

// main function starts up the chaincode in the container during instantiate
func main() {
    if err := shim.Start(new(SimpleAsset)); err != nil {
            fmt.Printf("Error starting SimpleAsset chaincode: %s", err)

通过调用 GetCreator() 函数,Chaincode可以将客户端(提交者)证书用于访问控制决策。此外,Go shim提供了从提交者证书中提取客户端身份的扩展api,这些身份可用于访问控制决策,无论这是基于客户端身份本身,还是基于org身份,还是基于客户端身份属性。

例如,表示为键/值的资产可以将客户端的身份包括为值的一部分(例如,作为表示该资产所有者的JSON属性),并且只有该客户端可以被授权对键/值进行更新。 客户端身份库扩展API可以在链码中使用,以检索此提交者信息以做出此类访问控制决策。



您的Go链码依赖于不属于标准库的Go包(如链码shim)。当安装到对等节点时,这些包的源代码必须包含在您的链码包中。如果您已经将您的链码结构化为一个模块,最简单的方法是在打包链码之前使用go mod vendor提供依赖关系。

go mod tidy
go mod vendor

这样就将链码的外部依赖项放置到本地 vendor 目录中。

一旦依赖关系在链码目录中被找到,peer chaincode packagepeer chaincode install操作就会将与依赖关系相关的代码包含到链码包中。

一般使用 Go 语言编写链码,打包安装部署到节点后,可使用 Java、Go、JavaScript 等语言编写相关业务代码执行智能合约。

开发链码主要用到的语言是 Go,因为 fabric 对它的支持目前最好。而应用层使用 其它语言也可以,nodejs是比较通用和快速的选择。


一个使用 Go 编写的链码如下:

package main

import (


// SmartContract provides functions for managing a car
type SmartContract struct {

// Car describes basic details of what makes up a car
type Car struct {
	Make   string `json:"make"`
	Model  string `json:"model"`
	Colour string `json:"colour"`
	Owner  string `json:"owner"`

// QueryResult structure used for handling result of query
type QueryResult struct {
	Key    string `json:"Key"`
	Record *Car

// InitLedger adds a base set of cars to the ledger
func (s *SmartContract) InitLedger(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface) error {
	cars := []Car{
		Car{Make: "Toyota", Model: "Prius", Colour: "blue", Owner: "Tomoko"},
		Car{Make: "Ford", Model: "Mustang", Colour: "red", Owner: "Brad"},
		Car{Make: "Hyundai", Model: "Tucson", Colour: "green", Owner: "Jin Soo"},
		Car{Make: "Volkswagen", Model: "Passat", Colour: "yellow", Owner: "Max"},
		Car{Make: "Tesla", Model: "S", Colour: "black", Owner: "Adriana"},
		Car{Make: "Peugeot", Model: "205", Colour: "purple", Owner: "Michel"},
		Car{Make: "Chery", Model: "S22L", Colour: "white", Owner: "Aarav"},
		Car{Make: "Fiat", Model: "Punto", Colour: "violet", Owner: "Pari"},
		Car{Make: "Tata", Model: "Nano", Colour: "indigo", Owner: "Valeria"},
		Car{Make: "Holden", Model: "Barina", Colour: "brown", Owner: "Shotaro"},

	for i, car := range cars {
		carAsBytes, _ := json.Marshal(car)
		err := ctx.GetStub().PutState("CAR"+strconv.Itoa(i), carAsBytes)

		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Failed to put to world state. %s", err.Error())

	return nil

// CreateCar adds a new car to the world state with given details
func (s *SmartContract) CreateCar(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface, carNumber string, make string, model string, colour string, owner string) error {
	car := Car{
		Make:   make,
		Model:  model,
		Colour: colour,
		Owner:  owner,

	carAsBytes, _ := json.Marshal(car)

	return ctx.GetStub().PutState(carNumber, carAsBytes)

// QueryCar returns the car stored in the world state with given id
func (s *SmartContract) QueryCar(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface, carNumber string) (*Car, error) {
	carAsBytes, err := ctx.GetStub().GetState(carNumber)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to read from world state. %s", err.Error())

	if carAsBytes == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s does not exist", carNumber)

	car := new(Car)
	_ = json.Unmarshal(carAsBytes, car)

	return car, nil

// QueryAllCars returns all cars found in world state
func (s *SmartContract) QueryAllCars(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface) ([]QueryResult, error) {
	startKey := ""
	endKey := ""

	resultsIterator, err := ctx.GetStub().GetStateByRange(startKey, endKey)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer resultsIterator.Close()

	results := []QueryResult{}

	for resultsIterator.HasNext() {
		queryResponse, err := resultsIterator.Next()

		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		car := new(Car)
		_ = json.Unmarshal(queryResponse.Value, car)

		queryResult := QueryResult{Key: queryResponse.Key, Record: car}
		results = append(results, queryResult)

	return results, nil

// ChangeCarOwner updates the owner field of car with given id in world state
func (s *SmartContract) ChangeCarOwner(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface, carNumber string, newOwner string) error {
	car, err := s.QueryCar(ctx, carNumber)

	if err != nil {
		return err

	car.Owner = newOwner

	carAsBytes, _ := json.Marshal(car)

	return ctx.GetStub().PutState(carNumber, carAsBytes)

func main() {

	chaincode, err := contractapi.NewChaincode(new(SmartContract))

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error create fabcar chaincode: %s", err.Error())

	if err := chaincode.Start(); err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error starting fabcar chaincode: %s", err.Error())

一个应用层 Java 客户端例子如下:

public class ClientApp {

	static {
		System.setProperty("org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.service_discovery.as_localhost", "true");

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		// Load a file system based wallet for managing identities.
		Path walletPath = Paths.get("wallet");
		Wallet wallet = Wallets.newFileSystemWallet(walletPath);
		// load a CCP
		Path networkConfigPath = Paths.get("..", "..", "test-network", "organizations", "peerOrganizations", "org1.example.com", "connection-org1.yaml");

		Gateway.Builder builder = Gateway.createBuilder();
		builder.identity(wallet, "appUser").networkConfig(networkConfigPath).discovery(true);

		// create a gateway connection
		try (Gateway gateway = builder.connect()) {

			// get the network and contract
			Network network = gateway.getNetwork("mychannel");
			Contract contract = network.getContract("fabcar");

			byte[] result;

			result = contract.evaluateTransaction("queryAllCars");
			System.out.println(new String(result));

			contract.submitTransaction("createCar", "CAR10", "VW", "Polo", "Grey", "Mary");

			result = contract.evaluateTransaction("queryCar", "CAR10");
			System.out.println(new String(result));

			contract.submitTransaction("changeCarOwner", "CAR10", "Archie");

			result = contract.evaluateTransaction("queryCar", "CAR10");
			System.out.println(new String(result));


fabric-samples 下的 fabcar 项目中,使用startFabric.sh up启动网络后,可运行测试程序,得出的打印结果如下:

Successfully enrolled user "admin" and imported it into the wallet
Successfully enrolled user "appUser" and imported it into the wallet
[{"Key":"CAR0","Record":{"make":"Toyota","model":"Prius","colour":"blue","owner":"Tomoko"}},{"Key":"CAR1","Record":{"make":"Ford","model":"Mustang","colour":"red","owner":"Brad"}},{"Key":"CAR2","Record":{"make":"Hyundai","model":"Tucson","colour":"green","owner":"Jin Soo"}},{"Key":"CAR3","Record":{"make":"Volkswagen","model":"Passat","colour":"yellow","owner":"Max"}},{"Key":"CAR4","Record":{"make":"Tesla","model":"S","colour":"black","owner":"Adriana"}},{"Key":"CAR5","Record":{"make":"Peugeot","model":"205","colour":"purple","owner":"Michel"}},{"Key":"CAR6","Record":{"make":"Chery","model":"S22L","colour":"white","owner":"Aarav"}},{"Key":"CAR7","Record":{"make":"Fiat","model":"Punto","colour":"violet","owner":"Pari"}},{"Key":"CAR8","Record":{"make":"Tata","model":"Nano","colour":"indigo","owner":"Valeria"}},{"Key":"CAR9","Record":{"make":"Holden","model":"Barina","colour":"brown","owner":"Shotaro"}}]

Chaincode for Developers v 2.2

package shim for go v2.2